The order of the Takovo Cross
The order of St. Sava

The order of the Takovo Cross

The order of the Takovo cross is the very first decoration instituted by the very young principality of Serbia at the year 1865. At that period Serbia is still a vasall principality of the Ottoman empire and prince Mihajlo Obrenovic created the Takovo cross in memory of his fathers uprising 50 years before. The revolt was proclaimed in a village named Takovo on Palm Sunday 1815. Exactly on the 22. may 1865 with a great celebration the first type of the order was given to all living participants of the uprising. 27 of them received the decoration from the princes hands, the others received their examples delivered at home. All in all there were 385 living participants.

The design of the order was done by Anastas Jovanovic a painter and graphic artist and also a personal and loyal friend of prince Mihajlo.

The look and the classification of the order changed several times during history and new classes were introduced. The order of the Takovo Cross became obsolete in the year 1903 after the overthrow of the Obrenovic dynasty. King Petar I Karadjordjevic declared a new law which supressed the Takovo cross.
